OT: Kids Craft - Paper Lilies

This is a guest post by my daughter (who incidentally has been pleading, crying and in-turn trying to convince me to give her a guest post once in a while on this blog... but, let's see :) ). To her credit, she does spend a lot of time inventing her own recipes and making crafts. This is one of her favorite craft project this summer. So without further ado, here are the paper lilies. 

How to make paper lilies

Lilies come in different shape,size,and color! It is time to design your own lilies. Even though it is not spring you can still make paper lilies! This is the way you can express yourself, culture, and ideas. Also this is a good craft to do with kids!! If you don’t have craft paper I suggest you use two sheets of regular paper and stick them together. Also, if you still don't want to do that you can use paint paper. If you don't have yellow pipe cleaner you can use whatever pipe cleaner you have unless it is not matching your flower.

I hope you are doing well in the covid 19! Stay safe, get creative, and enjoy this craft!!!   

You will need: Craft paper, yellow pipe cleaner and green pipe cleaner, pencil, hand, scissor!!

(if you don’t understand, look at the pictures)

It is gonna be fun okay!!

  1. Take the paper and put your hand over it!

  2. Trace your hand neatly using a pencil and cut using scissors. 

  3. Fold it like this:

  4. Now with your pen roll the paper like this:

  5. Take your yellow and green pipe cleaner, fold the yellow pipe cleaner into a small thing,and stick both together, like this:

  6. Now, stick it in your flower

  7. Wrap it in a bow and enjoy!!!


Anonymous said…
Wow, great paper craft and love your daughter's write up. Keep it up!
Alka Gudadhe said…
Wow!!! You write perfectly and work is also great!!!
PJ said…
Thanks all! This post is by my daughter and one of her summer crafts :)